Do I need a CRM?

Yes, a CRM is necessary to improve one's sales.

Do I need a CRM?

It's a very relevant question and here's my short answer: Yes.

If you have a business, whether it's a large company with a sales team, if you're self-employed, or an SME, you should use a CRM.

Now, here's my more detailed answer which I start with a question:

Why use a CRM?

A CRM becomes the foundation of your business. It's the brain that contains all the information where you can connect other technological tools to make them work together. Tools such as:

Accounting, Martech (automated marketing), Electronic proposals, Telephony, etc.

It's the go-to tool for your business.

Many companies have a CRM, but they don't see it as a "game changer" because they only use it to store their customers or prospects' contact details, much like a Rolodex back in the day.

But a CRM is so much more than that.

It's the foundation of your business and can be used for several aspects, including:

  • Making more sales
  • Saving time and being more efficient
  • Knowing the status of your business
  • Automating your business

Increasing Sales with a CRM

A CRM is like an online filing system where you can store all the files and information about your clients and prospects.

This allows us to share the information (only the details we decide to make public to our team) and centralize it in one place, offering a tremendous advantage.

We can record and document when a client might need our products or services, understand their preferences, and determine the best time to contact them for follow-up.

This system helps prevent missed follow-up opportunities. By having all the information about the client and previous communications with them, we gain a deeper understanding of their needs.

This insight makes it easier to know what to say to close a sale. In sales, effective follow-up is often what produces the most significant results. That's why a CRM is the tool to use.

Saving Time and Increasing Efficiency

Centralizing information has a tremendous impact on a team; it's truly remarkable.

Gone are the days when everyone kept their client information on their desks or in their heads.

It makes life easier for the entire team.

How about an example of a CRM's utility?

Consider the classic case of a colleague on vacation, and their client calls the office with an issue.

The client calls, eager for a resolution, but no one else is aware of the situation, except, of course, the colleague on vacation. We then have to understand the situation and, more importantly, locate the client's details and records.

It's a stressful scenario, and the client often wonders if there's any internal communication at all.

With a CRM, this situation is straightforward to manage. The client calls, their file is located in the CRM within seconds, and a prompt response can be provided.

Everyone's happy, and a lot of time is saved.

Being Aware of Your Business's Situation

To make informed decisions for your business, you need data to rely on.

A CRM provides this data, presenting it in easily understandable dashboards that can display real-time information.

You can then precisely determine when sales dip during the year or how many prospects are in your sales team's pipeline.

Everything you need to make sound decisions concerning team management, revenue forecasting, and future investments.

Automate Your Business

When talking about becoming more efficient and profitable, automation is THE topic to address.

Time once spent never returns, and as the saying goes, time is money.

By using a good CRM that can communicate with other online tools, you can save a significant amount of time.

For instance:

Inputting the same data multiple times across different tools can be tedious.

You can enter data into the CRM, and it will be automatically copied to your other tools, such as accounting software or scheduling programs.

Billing, an essential yet time-consuming task, can be easily automated.

It all seems almost too good to be true. But why should I miss out on this?

Honestly, there's no reason!

A good CRM costs between $30 and $50 per month per user, which is nothing compared to its return on investment.

It's the ideal tool to ensure your business's growth.

Note! One thing to keep in mind!

A CRM is not an expense but a highly profitable investment for a business (correction, for anyone in business).

Are there disadvantages to using a CRM?

There aren't really any disadvantages to using a CRM.

Yes, you need to take the time to input information (though this can be automated).

At first, it might take longer, given the learning curve.

The challenge with CRM usage is the discipline required to input data. It's like the gym.

You buy an unlimited access membership with the best intentions, only to end up going once a month and saying the gym isn't for you because you're not seeing the desired results.

Much like the gym example, we often need encouragement and support.

You should appoint someone responsible to ensure everyone is using the CRM correctly until everyone develops good habits.

Other than that, there are no disadvantages, only benefits.

How to implement a CRM in your business?

Before signing up for the first CRM you hear about, it's best to plan and make informed decisions. Several steps need to be taken to successfully implement a CRM project:

  1. Define your needs and expectations.
  2. Choose your CRM.
  3. Plan your CRM BEFORE configuring it.
  4. Configure it and train yourself in its usage.
  5. Launch it (and make the inevitable adjustments after usage).

It's crucial to complete these steps before diving into using the CRM to ensure its success and, more importantly, its correct usage by your team.

If you have questions about these steps or if you want to know if a CRM would be genuinely beneficial for your business, we invite you to write to us or schedule your free consultation to discuss your project.